Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Gift Cards!

Ever wonder how the 'power users' get all those sales?  Marketing, Marketing, Marketing!!!

Don't forget to use the marketing tools incorporated in Lifetimeinfocus. Just click on the marketing logo,

Also take advantage of our 'gift cards'.  You only pay 30% of the face value of all gift cards!  Our most successful photographers use the gift card feature on a regular basis.  It is a great way to spur sales!
Just click on the 'gift cards' icon from your photographers admin page.
Here are a few more tips:

Marketing Tips
As soon as you activate your event send out as many notices by email as possible. The stats prove that the sooner you send out the emails, the fresher it is in the guest’s mind, the more likely and sooner they are to order. Keep the excitement going! Use the “Share” link in the gray box above an individual picture to send out your favorite shot or use the “Share this with a friend” function in the gray box area to share the event using the same picture chosen for the event. Either will create an eCard with a picture, inviting the person to view the event. [Important Note: when sending out an eCard invitation on a password protected event the eCard allows viewing the event, bypassing the password, BUT it will not allow a recipient to view a password protected Album within an event.]
Create a word file or a notepad file of email addresses for each event. You can add email address as you get them. Periodically send out new eCards inviting people to view the event. The best times to do this are before Christmas, Mother’s Day, Valentine’s Day and at the anniversary date. Remember, LIF keeps images up for a year so you can hit the various holidays.
Put a sign up sheet next to the guest book at the wedding. LIF can supply you with sheets for free just by asking for them.

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